"Remarkable new technology is introduced into the school system and experts predict education will be revolutionized. The technology will, as never before, allow the widespread dissemination of new concepts and ideas that stimulate young minds and free the teacher for more creative pursuits. Yet, the magic fails to materialize, and within a few years articles appear in the popular press asserting that the failure obviously arises from the teachers not being skilled enough in the new technology."
~ Excerpt from the New York Times in an article by Peter Lewis in the 1840’s describing the introduction of the blackboard.
The term technology has been around for many years. Yes, it definitely increased exponentially in the 1960’s as we made it to the moon. Most technology can be used in a positive way in some form to facilitate teaching and learning. The Achilles heel is when someone declares the new and greatest thing as the perfect tool. Nothing beats a teacher on his or her feet teaching. A good teacher is one who understands that they are the facilitator between the technology and the student. The only thing that is constant is change. As educators we need to be ready for change and evaluate it to see how it fits our type of teaching. It must be personalized.